May 15, 2024

In the month of May we are celebrating Diversity Matters Here. At South Fulton Arts, we believe that diversity is not just a buzzword but a guiding principle that infuses every aspect of our mission, from the artists we work with, stage performances, and community events. We aim to celebrate differences and similarities in everything we do. We are an organization who understands its position in a city with a rich history like South Fulton and aim to amplify the beauty of this space.

Embracing Diversity on Stage: Tiny Beautiful Things

We are thrilled to announce an upcoming play reading of Tiny Beautiful Things, based on the best selling book by Cheryl Strayed. This poignant and powerful production explores themes of empathy, connection, and resilience through a collection of real-life letters and responses from Strayed's time as the anonymous advice columnist, Dear Sugar. As we delve into the complexities of human experience portrayed in this play, we are reminded of the beauty found in our differences and the strength that comes from understanding and embracing diversity.

Why Diversity Matters

Diversity is not merely a checkbox to be ticked off; it is the lifeblood of creativity and innovation. When we bring together individuals from diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, we create a space where new ideas flourish, boundaries are broken, and understanding blossoms. Our commitment to diversity is not just about representation; it's about creating a platform where every voice is heard, every story is valued, and every person feels seen and celebrated.

As we continue to champion diversity at South Fulton Arts, we invite you to join us in our mission. Whether you're an actor, artist, or audience member, there are countless ways to get involved and make a difference. Together, let's celebrate the beauty of our differences and work towards a more inclusive and equitable future.

In Community,


Jennifer Bauer-Lyons 

Executive Director