Mar 3, 2024

2024 has already proven to be an exhilarating year! As we embrace March, we eagerly anticipate the outstanding programming we have in store for the spring season. Our primary focus this month is fostering courageous conversations within our community. Courageous Conversations are vital for cultivating understanding, empathy, and meaningful change. They allow us to address challenging topics, confront biases, and promote inclusivity. Through open and honest dialogue, we can bridge divides, foster respect, and build stronger, more cohesive communities. 

We are so excited about the first show of the 2024 Connect play reading series, Smart People. Our program Connect proudly exemplifies the power of Courageous Conversations. By providing a platform for individuals from diverse backgrounds to come together and engage in respectful discourse, and thought provoking conversation, Connect encourages participants to explore different perspectives, challenge assumptions, and find common ground.

Through this dialogue-driven approach, Connect facilitates meaningful connections and promotes positive social change. We invite you to join us in celebrating Courageous Conversations this month as we work towards building a more inclusive and understanding community together.

In Community,


Jennifer Bauer-Lyons 

Executive Director