At-Home Projects:
Grass-Hair Creature
Materials: Stockings, potting soil, grass seed or chia seeds, elastic bands, glue, decorations (google eyes, ribbon, etc.), rocks, bowl or other container
A DIY take on the classic chia seed pet! Fill the bottom of an old stocking with chia or grass seeds and the rest with potting soil to make the shape of the creature. Tie the loose end of the stocking so it holds its shape, leaving some “tail” at the end to soak up water. Decorate however you please, allow it to dry, and then set it in a bowl filled with after to saturate for a day. After a day, move it, tail side down, to a container (cup, bowl, etc.) filled with rocks and water. Make sure it always remains moist. Use googly eyes, markers, pipe cleaners, or any other crafty material to make the pet more unique. Chia seeds are an easy-to-grow, low maintenance plant, so you should have no trouble keeping it alive- even without a green thumb!